
and Vision

“Setting people free from the life affecting consequences of poverty by effecting locally-rooted change from within”

Many people in our communities are affected by poverty. They are struggling to make ends meet and find themselves in an environment of high poverty levels, a fragile jobs market and organisational austerity. It is our aim to set people free from these challenges and enabled to live fulfilled lives with futures of hope and opportunity.

We believe that it is the individuals and organisations within these communities who understand best what is needed to achieve this. Therefore, it is our mission to resource churches and community groups to design out poverty in the areas they serve. We work alongside people to enable and empower them to build sustainable communities which bring belonging, change, connection and purpose while addressing the needs of their community.

Through our three overarching endeavours - building financial resilience, food security and sustainable communities - we are committed to building a network of these organisations where people are supported practically through money advice and food provision, as well as any additional needs where the community sees fit. It is through this that we will achieve our vision, to see our communities, cities and region set free from the life changing consequences of poverty.

Help us achieve our mission

Donate today to help us continue to set people free from poverty, and work towards lasting change throughout our communities.

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