

We want to eliminate hunger. As part of our work to build food security throughout our communities, we resources churches and community organisations to provide both emergency food support to those in crisis and offer community-based food spaces where people can access longer-term support.

Community Food Pantries

An increasing number of people are needing food support on a long term basis, so to ensure that we are supporting those in more chronic food insecurity we have established a number of food pantries within communities.

We currently coordinate 8 Community Food Pantries which are led by and for the community, and operate on a membership basis. Residents can become a member of their local pantry for £3.50 a week, and access up to £15 worth of food (including fresh fruit, vegetables and meat).

If you would like any more information about these pantries, please email

It is our aim to further this network and establish these Community Food Pantries within a Local Change Hub. These hubs will be embedded within their communities and equipped to also meet the needs of the people in their area, including financial resilience work and any additional support that is needed to build a sustainable community. Volunteer Money Angels will be in place to support members of these food pantries into further financial support (debt advice, income maximisation advice) within our Financial Resilience team should they need it. If you are interested in becoming a Money Angel, please click the button below.

North Liverpool


As part of our mission to build food security, we coordinate the North Liverpool Foodbank network. Working in partnership with Trussell Trust and alongside 11 church and community-based centres, we resource centres to provide three-day emergency food parcels to those in crisis throughout our communities.

If you are in need of support, food vouchers can be accessed via relevant supporting agencies such as your GP, Citizens Advice, Social Landlord, Support Workers, local Jobcentre, etc.

For more information, or if you are interested in becoming a voucher holding agency, please email

Have a general food enquiry?

Get in touch via this form or email our team on

If you would like to donate food, please visit the North Liverpool Foodbank website

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